Computer important full form



Most Important Computer Related full forms-

The computer is a very important and very important topic, which we use a lot of acronyms every day, so let’s know the full form of some of them.

Computer Memory or Storage related full forms

KB- Kilobyte  (this is the smallest storage unit)

MB- MegaByte

GB- GigaByte

TB- TeraByte

PB- PentaByte


ZB- ZetaByte

Computer Hardware related full forms

CPU– Central Processing Unit

ROM- Read-only Memory

RAM– Random Access Memory

Prom- Programmable Read-Only Memory

FDD- Floppy Disk Drive

HDD- Hard Disk Drive

CD- Compact Disk

DVD- Digital Video Disk

BIOS- Basic Input Output System

SMPS- Switch Mode Power Supply

VDU- Visual Display Unit

LED- Light Emitting Diode

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

USB- Universal Serial Bus

HDMI- High Definition Multimedia Interface

SSD- Solid State Drive

VGA- Video Graphics Array

UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply

PDF- Portable Document Format

NTFS- New Technology File System

MMC- Multi-Media Card

Computer Software related full forms

OS- Operating System

VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Seige

ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit

DVI- Digital Visual Interface


Computer course-related full forms

BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application

MCA- Master of Computer Application

DCA- Diploma in Computer Application

ADCA– Advance Diploma in Computer Application

IT- Information Technology

COPA- Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant

CSE- Computer Science Engineering

DCE- Diploma in Computer Engineering

Computer Networking related full forms

2G- 2nd Generation

3G- 3rd Generation

4G- 4th Generation

5G- 5th Generation

WIFI- Wireless Fidelity

WAN- Wide Area Network

WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network

DNS- Domain Name System

HTML- HyperText Markup language

IP- Internet Protocol

ISP- Internet Service Provider

VPS- Virtual Private Server

URL- Uniform Resource Locator

GSM- Global System for Mobile Communication

CDMA full form- Code Division Multiple Access

SIM- Subscriber Identity Module

WWW- World Wide Web

GPRS- General Packet Radio Service

Computer file format related full form

GIF- Graphical Interchangeable Format

MP3- MPEG Audio Layer 3


HD- High Definition

4K- 4000

UHD- Ultra High Definition

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